Airolib-ng is an aircrack-ng suite tool designed to store and manage essid and password lists, compute their Pairwise Master Keys (PMKs) and use them in WPA/WPA2 cracking. The program uses the lightweight SQLite3 database as the storage mechanism which is available on most platforms. The SQLite3 database was selected taking in consideration platform availability plus management, memory and disk overhead.
WPA/WPA2 cracking involves calculating the pairwise master key, from which the private transient key (PTK) is derived. Using the PTK, we can compute the frame message identity code (MIC) for a given packet and will potentially find the MIC to be identical to the packet's thus the PTK was correct therefore the PMK was correct as well.
Calculating the PMK is very slow since it uses the pbkdf2 algorithm. Yet the PMK is always the same for a given ESSID and password combination. This allows us to pre-compute the PMK for given combinations and speed up cracking the wpa/wpa2 handshake. Tests have shown that using this technique in aircrack-ng can check more than 50 000 passwords per second using pre-computed PMK tables.
Computing the PMK is still required, yet we can:
To learn more about WPA/WPA2:
To learn more about coWPAtty:
As stated above, this program requires the SQLite3 database environment. You must be running version 3.3.17 or above. You may obtain the latest version from the SQLite download page.
Usage: airolib <database> <operation> [options]
Here are the valid operations:
Here are usage examples for each operation.
airolib-ng testdb --stats
The system responds:
statsThere are 2 ESSIDs and 232 passwords in the database. 464 out of 464 possible combinations have been computed (100%). ESSID Priority Done Harkonen 64 100.0 teddy 64 100.0
The following example will give the SSID “VeryImportantESSID” maximum priority.
airolib-ng testdb --sql 'update essid set prio=(select min(prio)-1 from essid) where essid="VeryImportantESSID";'
The system responds:
update essid set prio=(select min(prio)-1 from essid) where essid="VeryImportantESSID"; Query done. 1 rows affected.
The following example will look for very important patterns in the pmk.
airolib-ng testdb --sql 'select hex(pmk) from pmk where hex(pmk) like "%DEADBEEF%"'
The system responds:
hex(pmk) BF3F122D3CE9ED6C6E7E1D7D13505E0A41EC4C5A3DEADBEEFFEFF597387AFCE3
To do a basic cleaning, enter:
airolib-ng testdb --clean
The system responds:
cleanDeleting invalid ESSIDs and passwords... Deleting unreferenced PMKs... Analysing index structure... Done.
To do a basic cleaning, reduce the file size if possible and run an integrity check., enter:
airolib-ng testdb --clean all
The system responds:
cleanDeleting invalid ESSIDs and passwords... Deleting unreferenced PMKs... Analysing index structure... Vacuum-cleaning the database. This could take a while... Checking database integrity... integrity_check ok Query done. 2 rows affected. Done.
airolib-ng testdb --batch
The system responds:
Computed 464 PMK in 10 seconds (46 PMK/s, 0 in buffer). No free ESSID found. Will try determining new ESSID in 5 minutes...
To verify a 1000 random PMKs, enter:
airolib-ng testdb --verify
The system responds:
verifyChecking ~10.000 randomly chosen PMKs... ESSID CHECKED STATUS Harkonen 233 OK teddy 233 OK
To verify all PMKs, enter:
airolib-ng testdb --verify all
The system responds:
verifyChecking all PMKs. This could take a while... ESSID PASSWORD PMK_DB CORRECT
airolib-ng testdb --export cowpatty test cowexportoftest
The system responds:
exportExporting... Done.
To import an ascii list of SSIDs and create the database if it does not exist, enter:
airolib-ng testdb --import essid ssidlist.txt
The system responds:
importReading... Writing... Done.
To import an ascii list of passwords and create the database if it does not exist, enter:
airolib-ng testdb --import passwd password.lst
The system responds:
importReading... Writing... read, 1814 invalid lines ignored. Done.
Imports a cowpatty table and create the database if it does not exist, enter:
airolib-ng testdb --import cowpatty cowexportoftest
The system responds:
importReading header... Reading... Updating references... Writing...
The ultimate objective is to speed up WPA/WPA2 cracking under aircrack-ng. To use the tables you have built using airolib-ng then use the “-r” option to specify the database containing the pre-calculated PMKs.
aircrack-ng -r testdb wpa2.eapol.cap
Note: All the other standard options which are applicable to WPA/WPA2 may also be used. This is a very limited example.
To test the tool yourself…
Database <testdb> does not already exist, creating it... Database <testdb> sucessfully created Reading file... Writing... Done.
Reading file... Writing... Done.
Computed 1 PMK in 0 seconds (1 PMK/s, 0 in buffer). All ESSID processed.
There are 1 ESSIDs and 1 passwords in the database. 1 out of 1 possible combinations have been computed (100%). ESSID Priority Done Harkonen 64 100.0
KEY FOUND! [ 12345678 ]
Another way to test for yourself is to download a pre-made database called passphrases.db. This file is also located in the test directory of the aircrack-ng sources. Then try this database with the two test WPA/WPA2 files supplied in the test directory of the aircrack-ng sources. The WPA/WPA2 test files are called “wpa.cap” and “wpa2.eapol.cap”.
The commands are either of:
aircrack-ng -r passphrases.db wpa.cap aircrack-ng -r passphrases.db wpa2.eapol.cap
This should give you the passphase. Success indicates that your setup is working correctly.
Airolib-ng is not compiled by default. To enable compiling, do “make sqlite=true” and “make sqlite=true install”.
Although this is not a usage troubleshooting tip, it is a common problem during the compilation of the 1.0dev version. As a reminder, SQLite must be version 3.3.13 or above. This is the compile error you receive when your version of SQLite is less then the requirement:
gcc -g -W -Wall -Werror -O3 -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REVISION=`../evalrev` -I/usr/local/include -Iinclude -DHAVE_SQLITE -c -o airolib-ng.o airolib-ng.c airolib-ng.c: In function `sql_prepare': airolib-ng.c:129: warning: implicit declaration of function `sqlite3_prepare_v2' make[1]: *** [airolib-ng.o] Error 1 make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/1.0-dev/src' make: *** [all] Error 2
The SQLite patch included with aircrack-ng sources is only needed when compiling under Windows. It is required to remove some elements which will not compile under windows and are not required.
It is not required for linux installations.
On windows only, opening/creating a database doesn't work when airolib-ng is in directories containing special characters like 'ç', 'é', 'è', 'à', … (directories containing spaces are not affected).
The solution is to move airolib-ng and its database in another directory without these special characters.
This error message may occur when importing passwords or ESSIDs. It is the number of records with invalid passwords or ESSIDs lengths. The valid lengths are:
If you subsequently run aircrack-ng and only receive “Quitting aircrack-ng…” then the ESSID is missing from the database. You need to load it plus rerun the batch option.